【演講活動】中央研究院─Who Owns Democracy, and Our Planet?
《 Who Owns Democracy, and Our Planet? 》
講者:Charles Derber|Professor of Department of Sociology, Boston College
無論是對美國民主而言或是對地球存續而言,2024年美國總統大選皆可能帶來重大威脅。川普和川普主義是美國政治裡的惡毒品種,它的目的是破壞民主,但也同時對整個世界帶來系統性的滅絕威脅。在我 2023年出版的《為資本主義而死:巨額資金如何助長滅絕,以及我們能做些什麼》書中,我將資本主義、氣候變遷和戰爭連為一體,並稱之為「滅絕三角」。三者因果交織,且三者皆受到川普主義的推波助瀾。川普不僅是軍國主義者,同時也是氣候否定者以及新自由主義寡頭獲利者,因此他將造成「滅絕三角」所有力量的大釋出。此外,由於他還是「選舉否定者」,因此將讓民主和地球生存同時受到威脅。這樣一場影響深遠的選舉所創造出的美國政治舞台讓世界各國人民皆命懸一線。最後我將藉我2024年新作《誰擁有民主:美國階級和種姓的鬥爭》,討論存在危機背後的勢力,以及在面對這些危機時,我們該如何創建有韌性的民主,並躲過滅絕浩劫。
Professor Derber’s current work focuses on the crises of capitalism, globalization, corporate power, American militarism, the culture of hegemony, the climate crisis, and the new peace and global justice movements. The world is becoming as dominated by business values and power today as America was by the Robber Barons a century ago. Derber is persuaded that the overwhelming economic and cultural power of global corporations, increasingly melded with the political and military hegemonic power of the American government and the crises of global capitalism and global climate change, are together an integrated crisis that is now the pre-eminent social issue of the 21st century, and that we need a new vision and political movement that can offer an alternative. Professor Derber’s research is oriented toward 1) the systemic analysis of the intertwined crises we face and 2) analysis of the transformative potential of social movements arising to create a more democratic and egalitarian order.
Derber’s most recent book is Welcome to the Revolution. It explores the anti-Trump resistance movement and the anti-systemic universalizing movement needed to transform contemporary militarized capitalism. In conjunction with that book, Derber has brought together leaders of unions and many social justice movement, to analyze where we go from here. With Routledge Publishers, Derber is editing a new Universalizing Resistance Book Series where leading critical public intellectuals and activists analyze and flesh out stories of mass anti-systemic resistance that moves beyond the siloes of our current Left and Progressive movements. Derber is also helping direct a series of films and books about and with Noam Chomsky, funded by the Wallace Action Fund.
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